Sexual Health

We encourage Leeds Arts University students to check out for your one stop shop for sexual health services in Leeds. The site lists all the FREE sexual health services available in Leeds – making your life easy.Stay safe, stay in control – use

You can use to:

  • Find out where to get free contraception
  • Find out where to get the morning after pill (emergency contraception) free
  • Find your nearest Contraception And Sexual Health Clinic (CASH Clinic)
  • Find out where to get a free STI test: including screening for chlamydia, HIV and syphillis
  • Find out where to go for a free pregnancy test
  • Referral for abortion and counselling/ advice services
  • Contraception fitting: including the pill, implant, injection, IUD, IUS and free condoms


There are  sexual health clinics across the city and will show you where they are and when they are open. 

Pharmacies – you can buy condoms and the morning after pill over the counter at all pharmacies.  However there are a number of pharmacies across Leeds which will provide free condoms, pregnancy tests and the morning after pill to under 25s,  check out the website for details.  The Boots on Vicar Lane (near Leeds Market) will provide these free although the large Boots (Albion Arcade near the train station) does not.

You can also follow Leeds Sexual on Facebook & Twitter  

Sexual Health

Some facts and info……

In the heat of passion, protection may not be the first thing on your mind; but STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) have increased at an alarming rate over the last decade and the group  most at risk of contracting an STI are 16-25 year olds.  Whilst most STIs are treatable, 4 have no cure and many do not have any symptoms. Did you know that 1 in 9 16-25 year olds has an STI!

The only way to protect yourself against an STI is by wearing a condom.  Even if you are using other methods of contraception you should ALWAYS USE A CONDOM and try to get tested regularly for STIs at a GUM/ CASH Clinic.  Some STIs including HIV may not be detected by a blood test for a few months later and many people can have an STI like chlamydia for years without experiencing any symptoms. 

You can get free condoms from your GP, from the CASH clinics across Leeds and from pharmacies which participate in the Free to Under 25s scheme.  See for details.     

If you are using a condom remember that if lubrication is needed, use water based products only such as KY jelly and lube.  Oil based products such as baby oil, petroleum jelly, body lotions, massage oils etc can damage the latex in condoms making them ineffective. 

The Morning After Pill

This is also known as Emergency Contraception and can be taken up to 72 hours (3 days) after sexual intercourse.  The sooner it is taken the better – if taken within the first 24 hours it is 95% effective.  There are lots of places you can get it in Leeds for free including during the evenings and weekends.  You can get it free from: your GP, the CASH Clinics including Citywise, The Walk in Centre at the Light, The Shakespeare Medical Walk in Centre in LS9 (open 8am-8pm every day of the year) as well as free from a number of participating pharmacies.  Failing that you can buy the Morning After Pill over the counter from any pharmacy (£20-25). If you’d rather not ask for Emergency Contraception you can always ask for Levonelle (The brand name).

How does it work? You will be given 1 pill to be taken immediately and the health care worker will give you all the information you need there and then. The worker will always suggest that you look at other more effective long term methods of contraception such as the pill or implant and encourage you to use condoms.

Other forms of Contraception

The Implant – This is a small, flexible rod inserted into the arm just under the skin by injection.  It is really effective – over 99% against pregnancy and once you have had it fitted you are protected for 3 years.  It is great if you are a bit forgetful and are likely to forget taking a pill everyday.

The Pill – There are a number of different pills available and your GP will help you find the best one to suit you.  Like the implant it works by releasing hormones into the body to stop the woman getting pregnant. Depending on the type of pill you will either take it every 21 days with a 7 day break or the Progesterone only pill is taken every day.

The injection – A single injection (normally into the buttocks) of progesterone which protects against pregnancy for 11 weeks.

And of course……. always use a Condom. The only effective method of protection against STIs.

Pregnancy Support Plan

Student Pregnancy, Maternity, Paternity, Adoption and Partner Leave Guidelines

New Expectant Mothers Risk Assessment 


University often provides an opportunity for many students to openly be themselves, moving away from the often “fishbowl” environment of their home town.  People tend to be much more open minded at university so instead of hiding they may choose to “come out” to their new friends.  Coming out to family and friends can be difficult but there are many support services available to students in the city and during your time at Leeds Arts University and these services are confidential and non-judgemental.

Leeds Arts University Counselling Service Tel: 0113 202 8111

Leeds Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) switchboard Tel: 0113 245 3588

Mesmac & Out 2 25 support group see Leeds Sexual for more details Tel: (0113) 2144674 or text/ call Mobile: 07903 319435