FE Learning Support

 Study Skills and Mentor Tutors will be allocated to support students with an additional support need. The support they provide directly responds to the specific art and design nature of learning and is delivered in a way that is relevant to the student and enhances your main programme of study. 

The Dyslexia and Study Skills Support Service offers:

  • Initial assessment to identify any support needs
  • Screening for dyslexia.
  • Support with essay work, sketchbook annotations, oral presentations, portfolio management and preparing for interviews for Higher Education.
  • Weekly tutorials for students with dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties offering a range of support in improving literacy and organisation skills including essay planning and writing, developing reading and research skills and promoting an understanding of course related language.
  • Mentor support for students with emotional/social and mental health differences
  • Support with applications for the Disabled Students’ Allowance  when progressing to Higher Education




Katrina Welsh

Head of Student Support



Sean Harrison

Study Skills Tutor

Christina Kulikowski-Lewis

Study Skills Tutor

Amanda Burns


Study Skills Tutor



Kate Thomas

 Specialist Mentor

Mark Wright

 Dyslexia Support Tutor



 For further information about dyslexia and study skills support, please contact Katrina Welsh by e-mail
