Doctors & Dentists

Registering with a Doctor and Dentist whilst at College

Once you've started University, register with a nearby GP practice as soon as possible.

Normally, you'll need to fill in a form (GMS1) at the surgery of the practice you would like to register with.

Registering with a new GP practice

Leeds Arts University students can register with the Leeds Student Medical Practice situated on Blenheim Walk.  To register you should be a higher education student and living in University Accommodation in Leeds or private accommodation in postal areas LS1 to LS7 or LS16 south of the ring road.  To register go online to

When you move to a new practice, take along your NHS medical card. This has details of your current practice and your NHS number on it which will make it easier for you to register. Your NHS number ensures that your new practice will be sent your medical records quickly.

If you don't have an NHS card, you can get your NHS number from your current practice. It's a good idea to write this down along with their name and address. Keep this sort of information safe because you'll need it whenever you move practices.

 Once you've registered with your new practice, you should be invited to the surgery for an initial consultation. At this consultation, you will be asked questions about your health and lifestyle.

 You can also make appointments to see a doctor or nurse at the practice when you need treatment for illnesses and other medical conditions.

 If you have any difficulties in registering or getting treatment as a temporary resident, go to the local Primary Care Trust (PCT). It may be possible for a PCT to find you a local GP practice and put your name on its list of NHS patients.

Find local health services on link below:

Registering with a Dentist

As well as a doctor, you'll also have to make an appointment to see a local dentist. Before you make an appointment, ask about the type of services they provide.

There are three types of dentist surgery that you can choose from:

  • surgeries that treat NHS patients
  • surgeries that treat private patients
  • surgeries that treat both NHS and private patients

You can get free NHS dental treatment if you're under 18, or over 18 and in full-time education.

Your local Primary Care Trust will be able to help you find a dentist that accepts NHS patients.  You can also search for NHS dentists online

Use the link below to find your nearest NHS dentist

There is also lots of further information to be found at the following link

NHS Walk in Centre 7am -7pm for the treatment of minor illnesses and injuries and healthcare advice. For more information call the centre on 0870 8180003

Prescriptions and NHS charges

Students under 19 years old and in full-time education are exempt from charges.  You can apply for exemption/reduced charges by completing the HC1 form, which you can obtain from Student Welfare.  You should also obtain a FP57 (NHS) receipt from the chemist when you pay for a prescription, then obtain an HC5 form to claim your money back from the local benefits office.