Research & Ethics

Research and Scholarship

Within the context of Leeds Arts University  research is investigating; rediscovering or making a new contribution to knowledge in a chosen specialist field of study/practice that is open for scrutiny through peer review.  Scholarly activity is defined as surveying existing developments in the researchers’ field, these developments may be practiced- based or technical as well as academic or theoretical; acquiring knowledge in order to keep up to date with developments in a specific area. Scholarship is similar to Continuous Professional Development (CPD) but more involved and focuses on a particular area of field of work, it may involve a number of different activities and goes beyond what is strictly necessary to do ‘the job’.


The Ethics Policy and Procedures are designed to protect the University; the researchers and teaching staff; the participants; the students and any other group who may be impacted by our research and project activity. It is the responsibility of researchers and teaching staff to ensure research and student projects are carried out in line with the University’s  policies and procedures. Please use the documents found here to help promote and maintain high standards of ethical practice by staff, researchers and students.


Leeds Arts University Repository: 

 Research Pathways:


Research Strategy

Open Research


Impact and Public Engagement

Conferences and Symposia

Research Days & Budget Requests


 Annual Research Reports: